lemon essential oil

  • Homemade salve with Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil


    Just making some salve today because I am out and I seriously use it for everything. Its my lotion, deodorant, anti-aging cream, healing stick, diaper ointment, chapstick, headache relief, the list is long. What makes it so special is this coconut oil I have tried other great coconut oils but this is my favorite and now I can’t go back to the other ones I was using. Each coconut that these organic, family farmers use are handpicked so only the best are used. It has a different taste than any other oils I have had, but I like it, it…

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  • Essential Oils


    School has started and you know what that means! Runny noses, coughs, and fevers. All nasty stuff! I am building up my girls’ immune systems with essential oils , making sure they take their vitamins and giving them their fish oil. I buy the orange flavored or strawberry flavored fish oil…

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