
  • Easy Halloween Bark


    I was looking for a cute easy Halloween bark to do with my boy because we love bark, it’s so easy to make since it doesn’t have to be perfect, it’s a great treat to make with kids, since they LOVE helping and creating. There are hundreds of things you could do with unlimited candy, nuts, crackers, treat options! Of course Pinterest came to the rescue with and her awesome candy bar bark. Here is what you need for this basic bark: Any chocolate that you know will melt good, (or candy melts )two or more kinds Candy eyes Sprinkles Mini…

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  • Gluten Free Peanut Butter Crunchers (rice crispy peanut butter bars)


    Rice Crispy peanut butter bars Isn’t it funny how everyone has a memory of school lunches and having lunch lady peanut butter bars?! Or rice crispy peanut butter bars? We would get them like once a month on a Friday and I would looks SO forward to it, I made…

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