Essential Oils


School has started and you know what that means! Runny noses, coughs, and fevers. All nasty stuff! I am building up my girls’ immune systems with essential oils , making sure they take their vitamins and giving them their fish oil. I buy the orange flavored or strawberry flavored fish oil from Nordic Naturals. I tell them to take a spoonful then quickly drink some water, they say its not so bad. I have noticed a huge difference in  how often they get sick and the severity.


I also use Doterra’s On Guard essential oil on the soles of their feet before they go to bed and right before we head out the door in the morning. If you haven’t heard of Doterra Essential Oils, I am going to tell you more because they have impacted our lives greatly!  I LOVE these oils, they are 100% natural, and Certified Pure Theraputic Grade which means there are no fillers. Its just all pure extracts from plants, flowers, etc. If you are interested in learning more, go here.


Doterra also has a fall magazine out right now focused on everything back to school. What to use for preventative measures, brain boosters, calming measures, just a whole lot of really useful information. You can check  it out @ Doterra Living Magazine. Like I said I am a firm believer and user of these oils so if you have any questions please leave a comment or question and I will do my best to share what I have learned so far!
Have a great day!

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