My blog has (unknowingly) changed!


I changed the url and I have had all sorts of problems in doing so. I hope that you are still interested in following, all you have to do is go here and hopefully you will be at the newly named blog. thanks!

So with summer just around the corner and me with no AC in the house, I am getting scared. I am not a heat loving person. In fact I hate being hot. I would rather go on a diet than be hot and we all loooove diets, right? Yeah, didn’t think so. Here are some great ideas that I am going to try to help me keep cooool. Btw, I am loving all this rain!

Go to a public place with FREE AC!
I was thinking of a store, but chances are I would probably buy something I don’t need, so thats out. The LIBRARY is freee! and gives me a reason to take my girls and get the love of books going, man why didn’t I think of this last summer?!

Drink tons and tons of ice water.  (with a few sweet drinks in between, I’m not a saint people!) 
I can guzzle drink lemonade by the gallons. So lady like.

Tarragon Lemonade

Eat lighter meals.
So much harder than it sounds. The good thing about heat, for me, is it reduces my appetite, thus helping me eat lighter, I eat alot of salads and light pastas.

Keep the lights off.
Reduce heat in your home and lower your electric bill. Which will be pretty low anyway cuz its not powering an AC unit. Cha-ching fo da bling!

Use a cooling bandana
Can’t WAIT to look like Chuck Norris. Or better yet, Sarah Palin

Set up a lawn sprinkler.
Last year my girls practically LIVED in their swim suits. They got prettt-tty dark.

Be still and rest at the hottest time of day.
Any reason to be on the computer is a good one. This is for reals tho, I will most likely be on the computer alot during the day.

Eat popsicles or frozen treats.
I like to make my own shakes and popsicles. Or frozen bluebrees or strawbrees. <–Thats my phony english accent. Store bought popsicles have to much sugar= sugar high=energy=excersion=sweating=needing an AC!!

Grill outside.
I grill alot even when there is an AC around but this will challenge me to grill even more and try to experiment with breakfast, lunch and dinner and dessert. The husband will love that. Slave driver.

this is how I look when I grill. except I have a REAL grill.

Use an electric fan. Or 5.

Sell your house and just get one of these bad boys.

If all else fails, we will just set up our tent outside the local pool. Go easy on me, Summer.


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